
Every night I go to bed, I have thoughts swirling in my head. Things to do. Scrapbook pages I want to create. Gifts I want to make. Skills I want to learn. And, of course, daily happenings that I don't want to forget, but invariably will by tomorrow morning, only to pop up in a random thought weeks down the road. So, here I am. I may use this blog daily to empty my head and heart before cuddling up in my duvet, or as it may be, I may write in it once a month. Who knows. It is for me, but perhaps something I write or learn may spark a fire in someone else. Perhaps it may quiet a mind or make you feel like you are not alone out there. It is for me. But perhaps it is for you.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

2011 Christmas Ideas

It is officially Christmas 2010, and as I think about this year and my good intentions, I thought it best to have a place where I could write my Christmas ideas for next year that I can refer back to...

November 2011:
  • Start making Christmas cards from Kai's art
  • begin preparing the advent calendar that I so dearly want to do when Kai is older.  It is a cross between the action cards seen on aliedwards.com (pictured above) and a small daily activity with all the supplies included in the advent pocket that I saw on a blog that I was browsing (sorry, forget the site!)
  • order or make a similar garland as made by anastasiajaminhome on Etsy
  • craft some felt ornaments with my class as seen on this website (http://rosylittlethings.com/walkwoodspattern.html) and as also pictured above (I can't figure out how to insert pictures where I want them yet)
That's all for now, although I am pretty sure I'll add more later!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Boiling it down...

Yesterday a blissful recounting of simple days with my boys...today, an academic struggle to summarize my learning over three years in a powerful format.  As one of my educational gurus asserts, 'we teach who we are'.  Oh, Mr. Palmer, if only those five words were enough.  Perhaps if I break it down to these questions, it will all become simpler: Who am I?  How does that reflect in my teaching?

Who am I?

a lover of stories
a student in the school of creative play

a passionate voice
a compassionate heart
a nurturing soul

a libra in the constant act of balance
a mother full of joy, ache, hopes and dreams
a believer in community

a thinker. a writer. a doer. a reflector.

Yes, I teach who I am.  It is all that I know.
As I grow, so do my students.
As they grow, so do I.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

When Life is Simple...

Day 4 of our family getaway to Ucluelet.  I love what we have been doing: art, walks in the rain, splashing in puddles, running from ocean waves as they crash to the shore, reading, watching videos...nothing planned, but everything perfect. 

Here are a few photos of playground games and Kai 'putting his trucks to sleep', but mostly it was too rainy to risk taking out our camera. 

Currently Marc is putting Kai to bed with multiples books, endless cups of 'mee-ilk' and lots of laughter...what is it that they do in there?!  I just finished soaking my hands in a sinkful of hot, soapy water while doing dishes, a task that I find so relaxing when I am not in a rush to get things done...this feeling goes way back into my childhood, although then I was also continually re-wetting the dishes in the drying rack so my brother wouldn't get out of drying while he was off somewhere trying to get out of drying. 

How I love vacation.  We can stay in our pyjamas until noon.  We can all sleep together in one bed without waking each other up, because we are so tired from fresh air.  On this trip, Kai has made it a habit to climb into bed with us when he wakes up in the night, and I love it...for vacation only, that is.  I can begin to daydream about what I can make with my own hands again, since soon I will have time.  I can begin to live in the moment with my family again, rather than with my work.  How I love vacation...

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Ode to Joy: Painting Bliss

Let's just put it out there - Kai is so much fun!  As you can see in the pictures I have added (yes, too many, but I couldn't stop the pride I felt!), I have a little painter in the house.  There is little as enjoyable as rolling out a giant piece of paper, opening up all the paint containers, pulling out a variety of paint brushes and just playing.  We both roll up our pants, or often in Kai's case he takes them right off, and create, ignorant of the 'mess' that surrounds us.  Sometimes he copies the way I play with the brushes and paint, and other times he is in his own world.  We have done sponging, splattering, mixing, spirals, and today we practiced using our wrist to paint back and forth...one, two, one, two.  We often chat along the way, sharing what we are painting, and give encouraging words.  "Good job, Mommy!"  "I like the way you are rolling your paint brush, Kai.  You are very creative!"

We generally paint after dinner, and if bedtime was not calling, we could probably go on for hours.  So I tell Kai "Five more minutes of painting, love" and begin to take away the paint, one colour at a time while he adds his finishing touches.  We put the paint away, peel off Kai's paint-covered clothes and jump into the bath for the first relaxing step of clean-up.  Daddy is usually just coming home at this time, so we get into pyjamas, show off our many new works and set about displaying them and mopping up the floor.

How I love our time creating together.  What a pair we are.  What a gallery our house is becoming.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Sewing Success

My first 'real' sewing project beyond Grade Eight home economics, which was a looonnnggg time ago. Since I saw what seemed to be a simple pattern for a cape on the Puking Pastilles website (www.pukingpastilles.com), I have been wanting to make one for Kai. I originally thought it would be an easy Halloween costume that he had a hope of keeping on for longer than a few minutes, if only because he may have forgotten that he had it on. Well, now it is almost Christmas, and I had given up hope on getting it done this year. When Marc took Kai out for a walk this afternoon to get some groceries, I thought I would take a quick look at the pattern and see if perhaps I could tackle a small piece of it while they were out. Two hours later and voila, a completed project!

I am so proud of myself for not only taking the time away from my looming graduate deadline and doing something fun, but for actually finding it fun! I was patient and peaceful, even the two times I had to change my sewing machine needle and the multiple times my thread broke (finally figured out to adjust the tension!). Kai may not be excited as I am, but the day will come...

Saturday, December 11, 2010


Loving the festive Christmas music playing everywhere I go. It always helps me to remember the joy of the season.

Loving how sweet my little boy is becoming. It is wonderful to see all the characteristics of his personality developing.

Loving the glow of the lights in our house.

Loving the amazing mixture of Irish Cream and hot chocolate...oh, winter, if only the other seasons could bring me such taste bud-loving flavours.

Loving that I have an hour to myself at home and I am feeling the beginnings of health to be able to finally enjoy these moments.

Loving how incredible our extended health plan is...massage, now that I have time for you, we will be seeing each other more often.

Loving that my graduate presentation was moved up a week and now I will be done on January 5th. Oh, Wednesday nights, I will cherish your availability every week.

Loving the update emails I am getting from my Mama's group. I am so fortunate to be blessed with such wonderful ladies in my life. We do not see each other as often as when we first met, now that many of us are back to work, but you all hold a very special place in my heart.

Loving that vacation is just around the corner. Ucluelet, here we come to enjoy every minute with you.

Loving the possibilities for activities this week:
Van Dusen Festival of Lights

Vancouver Christmas Market

...are on the top of my list in the next few days.

Loving that my brother sent Kai a video message from Santa Claus.

Love this season!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

My Christmas List

This year, I truly feel the need for nothing but time. This gift will come to me late, on January 12th at approximately 5 p.m. to be more specific. No more graduate work after this time for me! I dream of doing so many things, of which these are a few:

- have a weekend full of no plans
- games night with friends
- do a yoga class...goodness knows my body could use it!
- craft, craft and craft some more - sewing, knitting, scrapbooking...
- real date nights with my husband, when I'm not thinking of all the work I have to do
- more playdates with my son

And here are a few I already have planned:

- ladies night snowboarding lessons at Mt. Seymour
- Photo Walk with Amanda Kerr Photography
- gymnastic lessons with/for Kai at Phoenix Gymnastics on Sunday mornings
- a night of good food and painting at Raw Canvas

So, where is my Christmas list, you ask? I don't have one. Period. I have everything I need to love my family and friends, and to be creative except time, which is coming soon. Perhaps if you are one of those people who is intent on getting a gift for me (and I DO LOVE gifts!), how about something for us to do together? A date!

The Sweetness of a Little One

My son is a boy's boy. Given a chance, he will choose to run, jump, hop, climb and generally explore. Case in point: Last night at Rona, after running up and down the aisles, breaking a decoration and pushing a screw threw multiple boxes, he decided to check out what was behind the row of lanterns on the floor. He disappeared for a few minutes, and came out with a giant grin on his face and six years of 'dust' on his pants from the palettes on which he was playing.

But Kai also has this sweet side that is showing more and more. Marc and I have been sick and injured for what has felt like all of November, and continues on into December. Marc put out his back and was out-of-bounds for Kai for a good week. As hard as this was for Kai, he adapted and took care of his little bear instead, laying him down with a tissue pillow and blanket, and putting ice on his back. Kai also had mysterious empathetic back pains himself :).

The other day, I coughed while decorated the house with Kai, and heard one of my already-tender ribs pop, and winced in pain. I hear a concerned, "Hurt your back, Mommy?" and replied, "My ribs hurt, buddy." He leaned over to give me a kiss and when I thanked him, he had a look of surprise and understanding on his face. "Make Mommy happy!"...it was the first time I had seen Kai understand that what he did could make me better.

The sweetness of my little one...so many stories to tell.

Friday, November 5, 2010

A Moment of Silence

With Remembrance Day coming up, I am reminded to give thanks for the little things, and the big. Tonight, it is all about my little boy. He has been sick for a few weeks, with a terrible croup-like, nasty cough. In his natural good humour, he slept less, but his days were mostly filled with energy and joy. The last few nights, however, he did not sleep much, and last night awoke almost every half hour until the wee hours of the night. To calm him down, he 'slept' with us, so we could soothe him quickly upon every awakening without having to get out of our warm bed and sit awkwardly in his bed until he fell asleep again. So, tonight I am thankful especially for my son finally falling asleep at 6pm. Yes, you read that correctly. With a few mere hours of sleep last night and only a 30 minute nap today, he passed out in the car a block from our house. He may wake up at 4 a.m., but he has been sleeping with only one short wake-up for 3 hours in a row now...bless his little heart. For his sake, I hope it is a long, restful one.

Tonight I am thankful for my husband, who seems to be able to stay awake at home with our son all day on little sleep...and anyone who knows Kai, knows that he is a bundle of energy.

I am thankful for a moment of silence - quiet in my mind, quiet in our lungs. It is early still, but time for my body to become silent as well...just in case of a 4 a.m. wake-up call.

Saturday, October 23, 2010


I love to create. It is my outlet and the peace-maker of my heart. It brings my stress level down and my joy level up. How am I going to find time to create in the next and final months of graduate work? I am finding myself overwhelmed even with ideas of what I will create. I cannot create in the moment right now, as it seems to require too much decision making. Further, with my time so scheduled until mid-January, if I begin creative projects, they almost have to be do-able within one session, or it may not ever reach completion. My visual journal, when I start remembering to carry it with me, will be a great outlet for immediate, simple expression. Where to begin...

Okay, first I am going to fix up the photos I have taken recently...

Monday, October 18, 2010

The Working Mom

There are days that I am so inspired in my classroom, I am so glad I chose to be a career-mom. There are days in my graduate work, that I have such epiphanies and joy, that I am thankful that I am surrounded by such warm, caring, thoughtful educators. But mostly, I just want more time with my son. I only have a few months left of graduate work, but until then, I feel like I am not a part of my son's life, but merely the evil woman who wakes him up to drop him off at daycare every day. These days I feel unneeded...what a switch from my maternity leave. I am in the role of the working parent now, although my husband does work too, and I do NOT like it. Does my son still see me as a caregiver? Does my husband still see me as a mother and a wife? How I look forward to January 12th, when I will return home as to my family rather than to my office to work until after my son is in bed. How I long for the night when my son wakes up and calls my name again. How different things were not too long ago.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

In the Moment Part 2...School Children

I love my job. This week we have had so much fun together and explored roads I have not yet traveled in my teaching career. In a previous post, I shared about our adventures with the visual journal, and how exciting is has been to simply learn about and play with a variety of media. This week we have been continuing to explore self-expression through poetry and have spend time in the forest outside our classroom observing Autumn in it's glory. This quiet time outside is also part of us learning about mindfulness, becoming aware of ourselves and our surroundings, especially as a tool to bring calm to our hearts and minds. We have had incredible conversations, which as adults we don't make time for near enough.

As part of the incredible learning my students have been doing, yesterday we became excited about the possibilities of documenting Autumn not only through our writing and sharing, but also through a new artistic format: photography. While we are still working out the logistics (although I learned that every single one of my students has access to a camera at home, most of them their own), we do know that we would like to capture all aspects of this season to which our five senses are becoming more attuned, from the veins on a fallen leaf to the sounds of children playing in the crisp air. How lucky I am to be in a profession where I am able to encourage children to pursue their passions, and to be part of that process.

In the Moment...

Last night my son fell asleep curled up in my lap, holding his blanket and snuggling his head into my chest. I felt like he was a baby again and realized how few of these moments I get these days. With my husband doing the bedtime routine in order that I can get some schoolwork and graduate work done and still be able to rise with my son each morning feeling somewhat rested, I am becoming more aware of how precious these moments are.

I chose to do my graduate work before Kai was conceived and I do not regret the choice. I have learned so many valuable lessons and my teaching confidence and skill have grown exponentially. Now I am ready to educationally 'fly on my own' again. I am ready to simplify. I am ready to return my focus more fully on my home and my family. I am ready to have more 'moments' with my son. I miss him.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The Beginning of Year 36

It is strange to think that, if statistics are true, I have not yet lived even half my life.  Canadian women live on average to be 82.9 years old.  My Nanny turned 89 this year, so the family genes are in my favour as well.  Yesterday was my 35th birthday.  Is my life where I thought it would be?  Who knows...the only 'plan' I ever had in terms of years was that I was going to be married and have a child by the age of 26.  Oops, only 3 years and 5 years off respectively.  Not bad.

Birthdays in my family have always been cause for celebration, as have Christmases, Thanksgivings, and every other holiday that gives us an excuse to get together.  I also happen to feel that everybody needs a day of recognition.  It is not about the presents, cake or cards (though most of us do love those too), but rather that we take a moment's pause to think about what it is about a person that makes him or her special to us.  As the old adage goes, "It's the thought that counts."  Well, the thought that is shared, that is.

The reality is that most of us do not share 'warm fuzzies' (yes, I teach elementary school) on a regular basis.  We expect others to know what we mean to them.  Fair enough, actions are important.  But can something be truly known unless it is somehow put into words and shared with others?  I suppose if we had a strong history of passing down knowledge and information to others, words would not be of so much importance.  However, as much as technology does to improve communication and knowledge sharing worldwide, it also distances us from each other.  How often do I 'catch up' with my friends and family through email, or more recently, Facebook?  It is convenient, yes, but our technology-assisted conversations are so much briefer  and less rich.  I know more about people's 'statistics', but less about who they are and what they believe.

I have recently read a chapter written by Margaret Wheatley called Turning to One Another:  simple conversations to restore hope to the future.  Wheatley starts off her chapter simple processes with the following assertion: “Many of us would like to simplify our lives, and life in general.  Yet I notice how difficult it is to accept and believe in simple solutions and processes.  Everything has become quite complicated.” (p. 20).  To begin my 36th year, I would like to have more of these simple conversations.  To become reacquainted with the people in my life, in person.  To spend less time with 'busy work' and more time in the same space with my friends and family.  Taking walks.  Playing games.  Eating together.  Having tea.  To begin my 36th year, I would love to get together with you.  Are you free?

Monday, October 4, 2010

Ruminations on My Kitchen

Who thought I would ever be someone who loved being in the kitchen.  Okay, I love being in my kitchen most when it has the following: a warm meal simmering, fresh baking on the counter-top, a dish rack full with clean dishes, an empty sink, stocked cupboards, a pantry full of baking supplies and this season's home canning.  Yes, I know - I'm picky.  But it is one step above the old me who liked a kitchen with someone else in it.

Giving birth to a child has changed me and my attitude towards my kitchen.  Somehow providing for a family has made me begin to connect back to a lifestyle that I used to watch on Little House on the Prairie.  Now I grew up with my mom cooking meals, but I was completely unattached to the process.  Mostly I remember having meals on the run while we rushed off to basketball games.  I am sure my mom put in good time shopping and preparing meals that we hardly even looked twice at before digesting, or in my dad's case, putting salt on.  I don't remember being interested in how the food got to our plates.

Since Kai, I prepare balanced meals with fresh, local, organic food, as often as I am able.  I look at labels to check sugar content.  I try to introduce a variety of vegetables, which I never before thought about putting on my plate.  I finally bought The Joy of Cooking, and have even begun to see from where the joy might come.  I am proud when I have a meal ready for my family at the end of a working day.   It doesn't happen every day, and we still eat university-student staple meals like pasta and sauce, but now it often includes a side of quickly steamed broccoli or  homemade sauce.

I get satisfaction from preparing my own food, whether it be the homemade jam I learned how to make this summer, or a new recipe for muffins or pie I test out on Marc.  I don't even necessarily eat much of what I bake, as the pleasure and peace is primarily in the making.  Don't get me wrong, my diet consists of more baking than I perhaps should eat, but with my busy days and nights often spent working, any time I have to bake and prepare my own food is quiet time.  Time I do not have to think, but simply 'do.'

My friend recently wrote an article in the e-magazine Rhythm of the Home about cooking with children, http://rhythmofthehome.com/autumn-2010/cooking-with-children/.  Since the beginning, Kai too has been in the kitchen with me, but only recently have I realized how much fun it can be.  Messy?  Absolutely!  Is he opinionated about which ingredients and cooking utensils he would like to use?  You bet.  Does he make something edible? Are you kidding?  But just having him stand beside me on the stool, with his own baking supplies while I bake myself is truly my own version of The Joy of Cooking.  Irma Rombauer, you've got nothing on me.  (okay, you had actual skill, but what's that in the face of fun). :)

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Going Down the Rabbit Hole...

It has been ages since I have read Alice in Wonderland, but this past Friday, I definitely went down the proverbial rabbit hole.  No, it was not drug-induced (although a few glasses of red wine may have eased the journey), but perhaps the surrealism of having a date night with my husband in pre-married, pre-parent fashion simply added to the experience.

We attended Public Dreams 25th Birthday Party, held at the old Storyeum venue.  The #8 bus to Gastown was it's own event, with interesting characters chatting us up, offering us beer and having to listen to another young couple screaming at each other while drunk.  Bus drivers on the route have such an eventful job.

After getting off the bus, we were almost scammed by a homeless person who gets unsuspecting strangers to buy him his 'breakfast' at the upscale Nesters in the middle of a rundown area, and then sells the milk and cereal on the street to support his habits.  While waiting outside the Nesters, I saw another person running out of London Drugs with random, presumably stolen groceries, stashing them and going in for more, like a relay race.  This all occurred in this beautifully gentrified area, pristine and decorated with beautiful works of environmental art.

Finally we arrive at the event itself.  I wish I could find some pictures.  Funky drumming troupe, interactive paint spray board, upbeat Brazilian live music, and costumes everywhere we looked.  The most interesting were the balloon cocktail dresses the 50-50 girls were wearing.  We had a great time, and to cap off the evening, we won igloo-building for 4 at the silent auction!  I know, very random.  But somehow, I can't wait.

Here is to odd and interesting evenings...

Monday, September 20, 2010

For Today...September 20, 2010

Inspired by The Simple Woman's Day Book, I try do a reflection on my day at least once a month.  Here is mine for today...

Outside my window...the street is dark and quiet, and the sound of rain is lulling me into bliss

I am thinking...how I need to sit in candlelight more often.  It feels so relaxing and peaceful, even when I am working

From the kitchen...veggie ground round tacos for dinner, Lemon-Pear Breakfast Bread cooling on the oven for tomorrow morning, and a hot pot of peppermint-camomile tea in my country rose tea set

I am thankful for...quiet nights, actually feeling awake at 9:30 p.m., inspirational and creative blogs.  They make me want to slow down and make things by hand more often...

I am wearing...of course, jeans and slippers, a striped shirt (Kai saw it this morning and said "Tigger!" excitedly), and a secondhand, cozy, zip-up hoody (Thanks for another bargain, Stef!)

I am creating...a plan to complete my graduate credits by January 12th, while still working on maintaining balance and peace, and spending some time with my boys, my friends, my family...with a little 'me time' mixed in

I am going...to get excited about October weekends already!

I am reading...fun blogs, IRPs and graduate study articles

I am hoping...to have more evenings as relaxed as this one

I am hearing...my husband puttering, my computer softly humming and the creaking of our almost one hundred year old house

Around the house...a clean kitchen, Thomas the Tank Engine stickers plastered everywhere, and random toys

One of my favourite things...having time to write

A few plans for the rest of the week...print out a cape pattern for Kai, starting the new Zumba class with Jill and Pia

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

For the Love of Playdates and Video Snuggles or The Little Things

After a long day of work yesterday and not enough sleep the night before, I picked up my little one from daycare feeling exhausted.  In my head I was praying that one of my neighbours was looking to play.  Thankfully, my prayers were answered.  So many wonderful little things happen on a daily basis, and today I am going to take a few moments to be thankful for the many that happened yesterday.

  • Upon sitting in the driver's seat of our car, I found a pastry waiting me on the passenger seat.  Aahhh, the little things.  Thank you, my thoughtful husband.  It was just what I 'needed.'
  • Incredible neighbours - thank you for bringing your little ones to play outside your houses at just the right time, and for both cleaning up after K's bead- and book-throwing incident and playing chase with him up and down the sidewalk while I collapsed to sit on the grass.  Bless you!
  • My son is not one to sit and cuddle.  He is ALWAYS busy and on the move.  Thank you K for keeping things interesting.  
  • And thank you for childrens' videos that provide me the opportunity to snuggle up with my child while he is still little and gifts his mama with moments of stillness.
  • Appreciation notes.  I received a few words of kindness from my principal, which made my crazy day melt away.
  • Awaking to clean dishes on the rack, even though I didn't do them and it is my job.  I love a clean kitchen in the morning.
It's always the little things...

Sunday, September 12, 2010

"May today there be peace within.   May you trust that you are exactly where you are meant to be.  May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith in yourself and others.  May you use the gifts that you have received, and pass on the love that has been given to you.  May you be content with yourself just the way you are.  Let this knowledge settle into your bones, and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love.  It is there for each and every one of us."

Sums up my weekend...I was so content just staying home with my boys and letting time pass.  Inside play, outside play on the front porch while drinking hot tea and listening to the rain, folding laundry, Marc cooking dinner, a lazy afternoon nap...couldn't get much better.  And on top of all that, I got to see my mama friends at our little ones' second annual group birthday party and have an impromptu day with my niece Lizzie.  I love the luxuries of fall...

Thursday, September 9, 2010


I recently watched Sir Ken Robinson's video from TED talks which delves into the idea that schools kill creativity. http://www.ted.com/talks/lang/eng/ken_robinson_says_schools_kill_creativity.html

It was an interesting and thought-provoking video which made me think about the role creativity plays in my life, and in my teaching.  I would never say I'm an artist, but I love to create.  Scrapbooks, collages, poetry, abstract pastels and paintings - these are my outlets and personal expressions.  Did I do well in art in the public education system?  No.  Do I still love it, yes. But I do if for myself now, rather than for assessment.  Assessment can be scary.  It really makes me question giving a grade in Fine Arts at all...what is the point?  (Most days I wonder what is the point of assigning grades to any subject or skill, but that is a whole other topic.)  Back to Art...who am I to judge how skilled others are, in techniques that I myself would not excel in?  I can teach skills and be a guide on the journey to discovering the joy in expression in all forms, but beyond that, again, who am I to judge?

I remember in high school when a certain Art instructor was attempting to help me improve my painting, but he took the pencil and brush in his own hands and went over my own work with his ideas and 'improvements.'  I don't remember it being traumatizing, but it definitely had an impact.  Perhaps this is why I cannot bear to call myself an artist...

Creativity - if we were just all allowed the freedom to explore art in its various forms for pure enjoyment.  I see my son dipping his brush, the same one, in multiple paint colours <gasp> without cleaning off his brush in between <double gasp> and throwing (sometimes literally) paint on the paper without planning  or worrying about what it will look like.  He sometimes does one brush stroke and is done.  Other times he sprays paint on for 10-15 minutes at a time.  When he is done, he stops.  Is it a picture that I can decipher? No.  Did he enjoy himself? Absolutely.

We could all do with more time to explore our creative side.  And yes, I do believe we all have one.  We spend so much time, as Sir Ken puts it, on one side of our brain.  Society rewards it.  Let's play more and celebrate our whole selves.

To do this more often, and encourage it in my students, I have recently picked up a new book (see below) that I am so excited to use on my own and with my students, soooo!...off to play
The Journal Junkies Workshop: Visual Ammunition for the Art Addict

The Journal Junkies Workshop: Visual Ammunition for the Art Addict


Sunday, September 5, 2010


This is defined in many ways by different people. I am in the midst of a very wealthy weekend.  A massage. Tea with a friend on her new back porch.  All day canning 350 pounds of tomatoes with an amazing team of great people.  Drinks with the neighbour gals.  REAL conversations.  A sense of community.  A husband who took care of our son while I took time to do all this. A son who ran and gave me a hug when I returned and enjoys popping bubble wrap for long times.  And shortly we are on our way to Point Roberts to spend the day playing with friends and exploring the beach...The weekend is barely half over and it is already filled with abundance.

Friday, September 3, 2010

The spaces in-between...

I first came across this poem in my Literacy course and made so many connections to my teaching, and the balance between teaching and home life. As I sit here, in a quiet moment after dropping Kai off at daycare and before errands begin, the words come back to me:


What makes a fire burn
is a space between the logs,
a breathing space.
Too much of a good thing,
too many logs
packed in too tight
can douse the falmes
almost as surely
as a pail of water would.

So building fires
requires attention
to the spaces in between,
as much as to the wood.

When we are able to build
open spaces
in the same way
we have learned
to pile on the logs,
then we can come to see how
it is fuel, and absence of the fuel
together, that make fire possible.

We only need to lay a log
lightly from time to time.
A fire
simply because the space is there,
with openings
in which the flame
that knows just how it wants to burn
can find its way.

-Judy Brown

Although it is not January and it is not the traditional time to set New Year's resolutions, I am going to do just that right now.  I will take more time to find and enjoy the spaces in between.  I hope you can do the same.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Another beginning...

I LOVE beginnings...they make me excited, overwhelmed and energetic all at once.  As another summer ends, I am getting ready to head back to work, do my last semester of grad class, and put my son back into full-time daycare.  I have so many journals, scrapbooks, lists of things I want to do and see...I am hoping by creating this blog that I will have a place to express myself without having lists posted all over my room.  It is for me, but perhaps someone out there will gain something from reading it as I have gained from reading those of others.  Enjoy!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Where I Am Right Now: Jan. 4, 2010

1.  Enjoying my last day of holidays, which have been both fun and relaxing.

2. Wishing I gave myself more time to just 'hang out.' The holidays were a good start.

3. Learning all I can about eating local, sustainable food.  I just finished reading the 100-Mile Diet, written by two Kitsilano locals.  Jason and Callie gave me two more books to read on the topic, and Glenys emailed me a list of where she shops locally for quality food.  Marc and I have also been watching BBC's 'Future of Food' on the globalisation of food.

4. About to 'strip' Kai's diapers for the first time...apparently it's detergent build-up that causes them to smell when he pees...parenthood - so much to learn!

5.  Processing our uncut Halloween pumpkins so I can use them in baking.  Who knew?!

6.  Leisurely working on my 'Journal Your Christmas' scrapbook.  It will be such a good memory-keeper.

7.  Realizing how Stay-at-Home Moms and Dads spend their time.  There is so much to do!  So much to try.  So much to learn.

8.  Noticing again how I'm definitely not a late-night person.  It wrecks my mojo...it takes a full day of napping to recover!

9.  Thinking about location vacationing in the summer rather than going to Spain.  Not wanting to miss out on the free airfare for Kai, though.

10.  Glad I have journaling in my life.  It centers me and makes me so much calmer.